Welcome to Harbour Inlet!
Welcome to the website of the Harbour Inlet Association (HIA) a resource for all members, residents, and friends. The Harbour Inlet Association is a voluntary organization of Harbour Inlet residents who undertake many activities throughout the year to make Harbour Inlet an even better place to call home. Harbour Inlet is a very active community that is reflected in the high level of involvement by its residents.
The HIA members participate in many activities throughout the year and generously donate their time and skills to improve our neighborhood. Some of the key activities undertaken by the HIA include:
- Maintenance of the common landscaping around the gatehouse and in the roundabouts
- Gatehouse and gate arm maintenance and repairs, which provides security to the neighborhood
- Hosting of social events throughout the year for both children and adults – Chili Cook-Off, Holiday party, Halloween party, Easter Egg Hunt and more!
- Publication of a neighborhood directory so all members know who their neighbors are
- Interactions with the city and county governments on issues that affect Harbour Inlet, such as proposed developments, the South Ocean Drive Bridge replacement project, and many more
The HIA is governed by a board of directors that is elected each year at the annual membership meeting. Officers are then elected by the board for a one-year term. Click here to see the list of current Board Members and officers. Board meetings are held most months on the second Wednesday of the month and all members are welcome to attend and request items be added to the agenda.
If you are not a member of the HIA why not join now and help support these activities. Dues are a low $75 per year and go towards all of the above happenings. Just fill out the membership form (click to access) and send in your check. Your membership support is greatly appreciated and much needed so that HIA can continue to provide ongoing activities that make Harbour Inlet the best place to call home.
Joanne Robinson
Harbour Inlet Association President
Joanne Robinson
Jennifer Sharpe
Vice President
Tina Lubar
Bart Cohodas
The Harbour Inlet Association is a voluntary organization of Harbour Inlet residents who undertake many activities throughout the year to make Harbour Inlet an even better place to call home.